What to Expect

Worship Service | Sunday @ 9:30 am
This service is specifically designed to accomplish the first focus of the mission of our church: to exalt the Lord in worship. We do this through rich traditional and modern hymns, Scripture reading, tithes and offerings, a pastoral prayer, and practical expository preaching from God’s Word. This service lasts about 75 minutes. Nurseries are provided for infants and toddlers, and Children’s Church is available for kids in K3 through first grade.

Bible Classes | Sunday @ 11 am
- Guests: Welcome to Cornerstone – Room 101
- Children: Sunday School – Upstairs Classrooms
- Teens: Sunday School – Youth Room
- College & Career: Sunday School – Upward Room
- Adult Bible Fellowship – Fellowship Hall
- Adult Bible Class – Auditorium

Building Believers | Sunday @ 5:30 pm
Whereas our morning service is centered primarily on worship and expositional preaching, our evening service, Building Believers, is a time of edification and mutual discipleship through small groups that meet in homes around the community and one group that meets at church. Each group discusses a lesson prepared by our pastoral staff. Once a month we meet at church together for a time of singing, topical teaching, baptisms, missionary presentations and reports, and welcoming new members.

Prayer Meeting | Wednesday @ 7 pm
Our midweek service is designed to provide an opportunity for the church family to understand each other’s spiritual and physical needs for the purpose of prayer. After singing together and hearing a short challenge from God’s Word, our church family shares praises and prayer requests and forms small groups to bring these before God. Children in K3 through sixth grade meet for Cornerstone Kids during prayer meeting each week.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I take my child?
Our children’s ministries are designed to provide a safe, enjoyable experience in which the timeless truths of the Bible are communicated in an engaging and age-appropriate way. Our greeters will direct you where to check-in your child before the service. In addition, they would be happy to walk with you to your children’s classrooms and answer any questions you have. If you have children ages 0-2, we provide safe, clean nurseries and well-trained staff and volunteers to care for them during every service. You will be asked to give your cell phone number at check-in so that the nursery staff can easily contact you if there is a need during the service. All of our nursery and children’s class team members have passed a background check and ministry safe training. Our curriculum for Children’s Church, Sunday School, and Cornerstone Kids is Biblical, organized, and age-appropriate. Learn more about our children’s ministries.
What is expositional preaching?
Expositional preaching is a type of preaching which derives the main points of each message directly from the passage being preached. It includes careful attention to the context of the passage, the writer’s intended message, and relevant and accurate application to us as the listeners. Listen to some of Pastor’s most recent expository messages here.
What is your music like?
What Bible translation do you use?
While we do not require our members to use any specific translation, for convenience and unity during our services and classes, we have selected the ESV (English Standard Version).
What should I wear?
There is no specified dress code at Cornerstone, but because we seek to give our best to God in all aspects of worship, most people wear business or business-casual attire to Sunday services. During Sunday night services and Wednesday night prayer meetings, more casual clothing is typical.
Where do I park?
There are clearly marked guest parking spots outside the main entrance (on the left side of the building) for your convenience. Handicap parking is provided on both sides of the building by the entrances.
What if I have more questions?
Welcome to Cornerstone

We have a special gift for you!
Pastor Reimers has written a book on worship entitled, The Glory Due His Name. The book presents a biblical view of what God expects in worship. Pastor draws parallels between wrong forms of ancient worship and dangerous trends in modern services. He also shows how worship services can continue to give God the kind of worship He demands. This study of the doctrine of public worship is essential for all who desire to worship God in spirit and in truth.
Each visitor to Welcome to Cornerstone will receive a gift bag and a complimentary copy of this book.
We have a special opportunity for you!
If you are a guest, we have an opportunity especially designed to answer your questions and give you an opportunity to meet Pastor Reimers, his wife, and other Cornerstone members in a casual environment with light refreshments. Each week, Pastor Reimers answers questions from guests and focuses on a section of a five-week discussion of our church, including our worship philosophy, global outreach, fellowship and growth opportunities, and our statement of faith. Come enjoy refreshments, fellowship, and learn more about Cornerstone!
Sundays at 11 am in Room 101
We look forward to meeting you!