Men’s Ministry
Seeking to better equip the Christian man to serve and represent Christ all week long, our men’s ministry meets regularly for fellowship and encouragement.

Men’s Breakfast – 3rd Saturday of each month
Our primary men’s fellowship opportunity is the monthly men’s breakfast from 7:30 to 9 am. We begin the morning with a time of fellowship and a delicious continental breakfast. Following the meal, we sing and share testimonies together, occasionally hearing the salvation testimony of one of our men. After taking prayer requests and praises, we conclude the morning by praying for the needs of those in our church family.
Contact: Scott Groves (

Men’s Basketball – 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month
Join us every other Thursday for a time of fellowship and healthy competition at Trinity Bible Church (205 N. Suber Road, Greer, SC 29651) from 7-9 p.m. This is a cross-generational activity open to men and boys alike. In addition to an evening of basketball, there will always be a short challenge from God’s Word.
Contact: Christopher Nye (

Weekly Bible Studies – Seasonal
Check our calendar for the next scheduled Men’s Bible Study. These studies vary from morning to evening times, as well as the topic or book being considered.

Annual Men’s Campout
These campouts are a highlight for our men each year. Men and boys of all ages are welcomed to participate in wonderful time of fellowship around the fire where we eat, sing, and share testimonies together. On the morning after the campout, we usually get together for a memorable game of flag-football.

Men’s Retreat – Every 4th Year
Alternating between Church and Women’s Retreats, our men enjoy a weekend at The Wilds of North Carolina every fourth year. All men and boys are welcomed for a packed weekend with multiple sessions by a special speaker, fun activities and hikes, as well as good food and fellowship.
Contact: Pastor Chris (